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Cagliari capitale europea: ancora un po' di pratica con l'inglese

Il Carnevale in Inghilterra

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If you look up the word “carnevale “ in an Italian to English dictionary you  will probably find the translation to be “carnival”. However, if you plan on visiting England in this period you might be disappointed to find out that there are no grand parades with colourful floats  in this period.
This is not because the English don’t like dressing up and having fun. Indeed we do.  But possibly due to the English weather, you are more likely to find a good carnival parade during the summer holidays  when, with a bit of luck, the sun will be shining!  
One of the oldest and most popular carnival parades is in Ryde on the Isle of Wight which dates back to the 1880s and is held around the middle of August when the town is bustling with holidaymakers .  Queen Victoria was a regular patron of this event up until her death.
Whereas this period in England is known as Shrovetide which includes Egg Saturday (today), Quinquagesima Sunday (the 50th day before Easter Sunday), Collop Monday (when traditionally chunks (collops) of bacon with eggs are eaten) and ends  on Tuesday (martedi grasso) which is known as Pancake Day and is the day before Lent. Apart from making pancakes to eat for teatime on Tuesday, there are many pancake races held all over the country including many races in London. Want to participate? All you need is a frying pan and a pancake! Check out : to register for one of the many races being organized or try out this pancake recipe and make pancakes for your teatime:
I’ll definitely be having pancakes for my tea on Tuesday!

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